The sphere of OZ is the concept of a point and a line materialized in a form of a tool.
It comprises
hollow spherical forms/points, round tubes/lines whose ends are internally threaded and hollow screws. True to the concept of a point and a line the spherical forms and the tubes can be interconnected omnidirectionally to create structures and forms that will be held together with the hollow screws. The sphere of OZ reflects my philosophy that is formed on my understanding of and coming to terms with concepts and absolutes. A concept is a creation of a mind. Absolute is a conclusive expression of a concept. My current design/prototype of a human habitat in the form of a geodesic sphere is based on the concept of the sphere of OZ.
Taking a concept and clarifying it to a state of “absolute” is a process of reduction/elimination. A process that will create a foundation upon which to build. A foundation that is not black, white or opaque. A foundation that is clear. Clear is colorless.
It is a process that is applicable to any endeavor.
The adaptation of a geodesic sphere for a human habitat is only one among virtually an infinite number of applications for a geodesic sphere. A geodesic sphere is only one among virtually an infinite number of applications for the sphere of OZ. Beginning with a point and a line materialized.
The sphere of OZ is expression of freedom and permanence. A foundation upon which to build.